Cockroach simulator on scratch
Cockroach simulator on scratch

Your customer is smart, tech savvy and heavily oriented towards the internet. While this is a heart warming trend, it also means that your customer is bombarded with content from all directions. Here’s a list of interesting personalization campaigns from User Generated ContentĮvery marketer worth his/her salt is relying on content marketing to get across to his/her core customers. Advanced analytics are making personalization very focused and targeted. Personalization is becoming a lot more than just a few random references to your first name. It’s the same case with everyone, who is ever going online. Wouldn’t you want to be treated with content that they want to see instead of wading through clutter? Of course you would. Amazon and Netflix are popular the way they are, partly due to their personalization methods. PersonalizationĬontent personalization is one trend that is going to change marketing the way it is done. Each of these trends has a role and a resultant impact in your overall marketing strategy. They are more from a perspective of a curious bystander looking at the content marketing landscape. These trends are really not in a chronological order. Let’s look at some interesting trends in content marketing for 2017. These two mediums are going to thrive in 2017 too along with a bouquet of other mediums that will continue to make trends. It is going to prevail as long as there is digital, which is forever! The trends in content marketing have been interesting to note in 2016, particularly around video and picture content.

cockroach simulator on scratch

Content marketing has been around for a while and will be around for a long while to come.

Cockroach simulator on scratch